Über Das Neue - Belvedere 21 Museum Vienna
© Image Credits to Jana Perusich
Marc Henry's paintings are full of references and at the same time fragmentary. They oscillate between reality and fiction, familiarity and obscurity. It is precisely these ambivalences, which characterize and dominate the image in the post-factual-digital age, that particularly interest the artist. He employs digital imaging and manipulation techniques as well as found footage, quoting art and architectural history, but also referring to his own work.
In The Summit / and II, Henry creates a scenery that tells of power and powerlessness throughout the ages.
It brings together sleeping or unconscious protagonists, Oscar Niemeyer's furniture for the headquarters of the French Communist Party from the 1960s, and Andrea Del Castagno's Last Supper from 1447.
- Luisa Ziaja
„The Summit I“ and “The Summit II”,
2023, oil on canvas, stainless steel frame, 120 x 90 cm